Friday, 14 June 2013

...and then there were more posters.

Hello internet. Regular website updates re-begin now.

Just typing that is tempting fate. The ironic thing is that I've been so busy doing creative type things that I don't have the time to type it all up. So I'll tell you a little story that made me happy.

Before I went away on my trip abroad that was slightly accounted in my last post (of which there are actually photos to come...sometime), I took a late night trip to the Duke of York's cinema to pick up one of my posters that had been used to advertise one of their screenings. It was David Cronenburg's "The Fly", which was a touchy subject. Mainly because I had this idea for a design that I thought would look really damn cool, and I don't think I really achieved what I had set out to do. Which is a major issue for me.

A quote from Saul Bass - I'm afraid I don't know who created this graphic though
 This quote kind of summarises my feelings towards the whole creative process. Of course, I love it when people DO care about my work, photography or graphics or whatever, but if I'm not happy with it then I can't appreciate that other people might like it. I don't think that's special to me, I think every single person I know who puts themselves out there with their creative endeavours, painting, music, filmaking, has the same feeling.

Which brings me onto The Fly poster.

The font is meh, the placement is meh.

And really, I was worried that the design looked like a penis instead of a fly's proboscis.. Of course, if you've seen The Fly you know it's all to do with body horror and reproduction and the such, so ACTUALLY, as Toby from the Duke's pointed out to me, it fits it quite well with the themes of the film. But it's not what I wanted it to look like. And it was made aware to me by a lot of people, in real life and on the internet, that it didn't look like what I wanted it to.

Anyway, I sidetracked myself.

I went to go and pick up this poster, spoke to a few people there and left. As I was leaving, one of the lovely staff members said "nice poster." And obviously, because I'm me, I was all like "HUH? PARDON?" and went over to him. He said it again, I said thanks and launched into a brief summary of what I didn't like about it, because that's obviously what you do when someone compliments your work.

He then replied that it was "obviously a proboscis" and that he was "a big fan" of my work. This is hands down one of the nicest things a stranger has probably ever said about my work, ever. And it made me so very happy. And that's the end of that story.

And now, here are some more pretty things I have made for the cinema recently.

She Wore Blue Velvet
Take my love, take my land, take me where I cannot stand

These two prints were the first prints I've ever made extra copies of to sell, which hopefully might become a regular thing at the Duke's screenings. I sold about half of what I printed up, which was amazingly better than I had ever conceived of happening. So thanks to anyone reading this that bought one, and to anyone who gave me their e-mail addresses about getting larger copies of the Serenity poster, I am currently doing some research on it and will get back to you soon.

Tasty noms?
This is a menu cover I designed for the Duke's at Komedia, where they serve some damn tasty food. The menu makes it tastier, I believe.

These next two are for upcoming screenings at the Duke's at Komedia, y'all should go because again, it's a fine choice of late night films.

Thank God for the rain which has helped wash away the garbage and trash off the sidewalks
What is your damage, Heather?
I had a really good time making these final posters actually, in research and in process. Mainly Heathers though, as the research involved a lot of drinking and good times.

To round off yet another post of LOOK AT ME LOOK AT WHAT I'VE BEEN DOINGness, I have made my first venture into creating title sequence animations. I have made animations before using more traditional frame by frame programs like Flash, but this was made with After Effects and was beyond fun to actually do, "fun" being a word I don't often attribute to Flash.

It's Firefly related, so it's already awesome from the get go.

Mine is an evil laugh.

Speak soon. Much love. xx

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