Friday, 29 March 2013

Drawing on your doodles

Drawing is something I've always wanted to be better at. My whole life I have been doodling throughout lessons and lectures, long hours at work and evenings infront of my computer, aimlessly sketching things that come to mind. No purpose. I've never considered myself, and probably never will,  artistically good with a pen.

 "Squee" by Jhonen Vasquez
It's only been in the last few years that I have started to try to hone any possible pencil and ink based skills that I had glued together over the years. It began in my gap year, as one tends to have a fair amount of free time on their hands if they have a year out without having planned anything. And as one tends to do, I watched a lot japanese and american animations, films and series. I really started to appreciate animation and the whole process a lot more than I ever had before. Thanks to YouTube, back in the days where copyrighted content wasn't as likely to get pulled so quickly as it sometimes does today, I discovered Invader Zim, which led me onto the comic book work of creator Jhonen Vasquez, whose visual style totally fitted my late-teens persona of an angsty teenage girl. Lots of thick
black lines, lots of tiny shading details and often pretty grotesque images, it still is probably the style that influences me the most when I do ever take to drawing anything. And it complimented the other drawing styles I had been interested in since I was a lot younger, being that of Akira and Domu creator Katsuhiro Otomo and Metal Gear Solid designer Yoji Shinkawa.

"Domu: A Child's Dream" by Katsuhiro Otomo

Black, black, black, black, black, lots of black. As I mentioned when writing about tattoos, I like the simplicity yet sheer complexity that black and white can offer. For some reason I just seem to associate colour more with photographs, and monochrome with drawings. Brainfail. So here's a little bit of colour work from Yoji Shinkawa.
"Foxhound" by Yoji Shinkawa

So now to finish of yet another relatively smallish post by spamming it with stuff that I have made. Soon I will post about something on a grander scale that isn't so self-centered. But HEY, I called this blog "Hello My Name Is Bob" so I imagine you'd be disappointed if it wasn't all about me. Right? RIGHT?


My most recent attempt at anything. If you don't know that this is from The Never Ending Story and think it is actually E.T then I pity your childhood. Done by hand apart from the coloured texture and text. Creepy birthday cards FTW.

Inspired by the documentary "Room 237", an in depth study of numerous conspiracy theories behind the meaning of The Shining. The text reads "Bob Prosser's graphic novel version of Stanley Kubrick's motion picture adaptation of Stephen King's horror novel The Shining".

A drawing I did for my tumblr blog "Monster of The Week", where my aim was to draw something new each week, inspired by things I love that I had the urge to put a twist on. Now I kind of just use it to occasionally upload any graphic or illustration stuff that I do, though I haven't been putting much on there recently. Text and colour added in photoshop. This would take place halfway through the game, where Layton gets infected by Zombitis and Luke has to solve 15000 puzzles to create a cup of tea that will restore him to normality.

Another birthday card I recently made, with the glorious Ninetails on it. Started an argument about who would be which Pokemon in real life. Job done.

These two were drawn a looooooooooong time ago but I still really like them, probably because they're really specific to events that happened at the time. On a train, I asked what I should draw. She said "that coffee cup". It was a happy day in 2008. In 2010, I hated Valentines day, so a few of us lonely souls watched Disney films. It was a happy day.

Creepy-ass frog thing.

This was also probably taken in about 2009 on my old webcam. That side of my face doesn't even look like that anymore.

So that's an array of things I've done. I find drawing totally one of the most relaxing things in the world. Focussing on the tiny details of just one thing until you're happy with it is one of the most satisfying feelings.

This is the end of me talking now. One day I'll figure out a decent way to sign off these posts.

- END -

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