Saturday, 6 April 2013

Patient People

I have been blessed over the years with an extraordinarily large amount of patient people who I have somehow convinced to help me out in some form or another with my photography. Be it getting them to dress up in ridiculous outfits for test shots, physically assisting me on a shoot or just asking them to sit patiently while I tried to figure out what the fuck I was aiming to achieve when it came to lighting, angles or facial expression, I have had amazing groups of people around me since I first attempted photography about seven years ago.

I can already tell I'm going to get immensely lost in my own thoughts when trying to write this. I'm suddenly remembering things that I had kind of forgotten had even happened. Buying creepy plastic animal masks and being in the woods around Maidstone in Kent with my first girlfriend and my best friend, making the most of the tall, bare trees to create some Wicker Man/Lullabies to Paralyse-esque imagery

Even now I've just spent about three quarters of an hour looking through photos from 2005/2006 instead of continuing to write this. Such big ideas we had.


And there goes another hour of looking through folders of images I'd locked away in my memory banks. It's a strange thought to think I've been capturing moments of my life for such a long time...

I mentioned this idea for a post to Karli Dendy ( - now all professional looking with my images on there being put to good use!) and told her I had one of her to use. She objected. So I'm not using that one and I've found a better one, because she's not the boss of me (apart from when she pays me for photography, then she is).

Ok, well, here goes. Get ready for an image overload of wonderful people.

Jack helping out on the first ever Designosaur shoot
An alternate photo from this pretty little shoot with Elisha
Katie helping with a lighting test and assisting on my shoot with the projectionists of the Odeon Cinema, Brighton
She didn't want her photo taken, but I insisted. Trafalgar Square.

All round good egg, Fran Wrigley

Karli's a little tied up at the moment, can I take a message?

Some outakes from my university portrait project

Back in the day, these ladies were a fearsome force to be reckoned with

A day where I insisted on going to a number of coffee shops with Helen to improve my casual portrait skills

What do shadows do?

Adam Woodfield - best and safest studio assistant around
Ceci n'est pas une Jack
"No, it's too heavy, it definitely won't go out to sea..." he said.
The Hanover Cougars
Take a well earned break at the Duke of York's cinema
Sometimes confused, sometimes happy, always Barnes

And those are just but a few of the kind souls that have helped me over the course of my time as a 'photographer'. Beautiful beautiful people, all of them. Honourable mentions to Katy L, Jon O'L, Tom O and Lauren K, who, at some point in my life, I have had standing around waiting for me to make them do silly things.

I'm glad I have this chance to either glance or bury myself in my memories. It's a great opportunity to be as self reflective as you feel. On my life, on my photography. Though getting lost in all your photos is a potential danger, as I have proven to myself this evening.


  1. I knew you were going to use a photo from that shoot. lovely post, 'tis fun to look back at old photos... x
