Wednesday, 6 March 2013


Hello World. This is an obligatory disclaimer to point out that this is my first post on my new website. I will endeavour not to mention it again.

So now that's out of the way, I wanted to kick off my new website with...


Oh no.

I mentioned it again.

Well, as it seems inevitable to focus this first post on the fact that this is the first post...


I'm not sure what you're doing here, or how you got here, but seeing as you made it all this way, let me introduce myself.

Hello, my name is Bob. I'm a 24 year old photographer living in Brighton (who isn't, right?) Portraits, products, places. I like to shoot things that capture my imagination. Besides this, I dabble in graphic design and illustration, and, on some rare occasions, work with moving images.

For those of you who are already starting to lose interest, I have created a diagram of what you would see if you saw me in the street. We've had the verbal introduction, now for some imagery! 

Verdict? - MARRY ME
If you're still reading after that, great. Nice one!

For a while now I've been using various sites as hosts for my creative outputs. Flickr for my photography (, Tumblr for my graphics work ( I just figured it was about time I had a central hub with galleries for both, where I can keep anyone that is interested in one, or both, regularly updated.

And with a grand flourish, here it is, the brand new HELLOMYNAMEISBOB.CO.UK !

Fuckin' yeah, woo, alright!!

I'm going to pretty much guess that if you're still reading, you actually might be slightly interested in my work OR you're a relative or friend. If you'd just like more of me in your life, add me on these websites


You can also see a gallery of my various pieces of work by clicking the link at the bar at the top of this page OR just clicking here and going to check it out

Well, there we are. I appreciate your patience. Posts to come will cover work I've done, work I will do, work I might do, work that other people have done that I am jealous of and maybe, just maybe, some work with YOU.

Speak to you soon.

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